Sheila Downin – You always said YES

Hi Janine, I want to tell you how much I appreciate all you did for WIU, Macomb, and your Department. You were a good leader for our students, and you are always willing to say “Yes” anytime you were asked to help. I appreciate all of your help with the...

David E. Patrick – Congratulations

Hi, Janine, Congratulations on your retirement. I hope you enjoy it and whatever you do. I appreciated working with on the projects we collaborated on over the years. Now get some rest! David ———- David E. Patrick Professor and Chair Emeritus...

Jim DiTulio – Friend & colleague

Let me say here what an honor it has been to work beside you all these years. You are a remarkable, special woman Janine. A champion of women’s rights, of human rights. The master of the complex calendar! Enjoy your retirement every day. Let me know if you ever...